The Village of Dryden & The Dryden Business Association

are applying for the NY FORWARD GRANT

Click here to take our survey

Your input matters!

First we need

community input

Then we need participation

Once awarded, we need Project Sponsors

Join us on August 31st to learn more about the grant and to discuss our vision for Downtown Dryden. Additional information below.

Click Here

To Take Our Survey


The Village of Dryden and the Downtown Business Association are applying for a NY Forward grant. This program is to invigorate and enliven downtown areas in small and rural communities. We could be awarded funding for $2.25 million or up to $4.5 million.

Whether you live, work, or just pass through Dryden; we are asking for everyone's input!

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: A survey is circulating and can be found at any of these locations: First National Bank of Dryden, Clark's Shurfine, Southworth Library, Dryden Agway, Arnold's Flower Shop, Bright Day Laundromat, Poet's Landing-laundry room, Tompkins Trust Company-Dryden Branch, or Dryden Village Hall.

An alternative to completing the survey; please write down any thoughts or ideas and drop them off at the Village Hall, at a drop box at First National Bank of Dryden on W. Main Street, or send an email to (put NY Forward in the Subject line). Thoughts to consider are included below.

PUBLIC MEETING: Join the Village of Dryden trustees, members of the Dryden Business Association and other community participants to discuss the results of the survey and the vision we all have for Downtown Dryden.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31st at 7 pm, join us at the Dryden Fire Hall

Please consider your response to these questions, to be discussed at the upcoming meeting:

  • I believe Downtown’s greatest assets are.
  • I believe Downtown’s biggest challenges are:
  • In 10 years I would like Downtown Dryden to be:

Vision Mission Puzzle

After community input is gathered The Dryden Village and Dryden Business Association will work together to complete the NY Forward Grant which is due by September 23rd. If awarded funds, projects will be named and sponsors will need to volunteer in order to see our vision come to life!

Copy and paste the link in your browser for more information on the NY Forward Grant:,%2C%20neighborhood%2Dscale%20municipal%20centers.